Saturday, May 9, 2009

Welcome to CEOSpace.

CEOSpace is the ultimate resource for business owners and entrepreneurs worldwide. I’ve been a business consultant for more years than I should mention. While I specialized in healthcare, education and not-for -profits I love helping business owners sequence and develop organizational strategies to hyper grow their businesses. I am English and moved to the USA in 2004, I obtained a coverted ‘Green Card’ (which is white). I am delighted to work with CEOSpace, in Florida and beyond.

I’m going to keep you updated on the progress and successes and wins of our members, how they are hyper growing their business working in cooperation, building better teams, systems and strategies, raising capital, making golden rolodex connections, establishing distribution and having fun doing it.

Name a celebrity speaker, superstar product or Fortune Company and CEOSpace will be some where in the story. Find out more at or

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